CNCC Membership

We bring people of all ages together who share a common interest, to bond and create friendships and memories that last a lifetime. We meet regularly to discuss upcoming events, finalize plans and make important association decisions.

MEMBERSHIP - the membership of the Club shall consist of Corvette enthusiasts who are at least 18 years of age.


Active member - an active member is a member in good standing who owns a Corvette. A spouse /significant other is considered an active member in the same standing as the member. Only an active member and his/her spouse/significant other shall have the right to vote on Club business or be on the Board of Directors.


Associate member - an associate member is a member sponsored by an active member in good standing and whose membership is approved by a majority of the Board of Directors on a yearly basis. The Club dues are like those of an active member, but an associate member has no voting rights and cannot serve on the Board of Directors.


Club membership dues are $50/year per household, due every January 1st.


We are always looking for new members to join in the fun. Become a member by submitting the CNCC Membership Application below and sending it along with a $50.00 check to the address on the form.


Or, for more information, please contact our Membership Chairperson at

CNCC 2025 v2.pdf
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© Chicagoland North Corvette Club